Bird Repellent System

At Bird Control Group, we are dedicated to contributing to yield improvement, food safety (compliance) and safe operations by solving our customer’s bird’s problems in a cost-efficient and innovative manner. Our laser bird deterrents show successful results in different sectors, weather conditions and different countries around the world.

At Bird Control Group, we are dedicated to contributing to yield improvement, food safety (compliance) and safe operations by solving our customer’s bird’s problems in a cost-efficient and innovative manner. Our laser bird deterrents show successful results in different sectors, weather conditions and different countries around the world. Since our founding, we have helped businesses around the world keep birds away from their properties with our premium products and global reach. Unlike the traditional bird control methods, our solution is non-lethal, animal friendly and provides long-term effectiveness based on many happy customers around the world. 

Bird Control Group’s automated laser bird repellent provides 24/7 protection from starlings by shining a green laser light in the area affected by the problem. It is particularly indicated for agricultural areas, as well as commercial and industrial sites, refineries, feedlots, and many more.

Why AVIX Autonomic laser bird repellent

Neighbor-friendly solution

Unlike gas cannons and distress calls, the AVIX Autonomic bird repellent system repels birds in a completely silent way. Immediate & long-lasting results

Immediate & long-lasting results

The AVIX Autonomic provides immediate prevention of bird presence. Furthermore, birds cannot predict the laser projection so they never get accustomed to it.

Enhanced safety

Our new safety features make sure that your AVIX Autonomic bird repellent always operates safely, without harming people.

Kindly check the below blogs, which shows how effective our Bird Repellent product works.

How to boost your solar panel energy production?

How to get rid of birds at airport runways which prevents bird strikes?

How to Get Rid of Starlings Using Lasers?

Bird deterrent laser prevents substation power outages?